Friday, August 6, 2010

My cousin in DC said people who don't like to play the wii because of motion controls are lazy. do you agree?

lol, not only are they lazy but they are misinformed. 90% of wii games involve little to no motion. Of all the games i have, only wiisports requires any form of excercise. Most of the games merely need a flick of the wrist or pointing at the screen. Both of those things can be done with the remote resting in your lap. ughMy cousin in DC said people who don't like to play the wii because of motion controls are lazy. do you agree?
Not at all...Nintendo has been coming out with messed up games ever since the nintendo gamecube. The graphics aren't that good and I don't think the system is worth playing. Some people just don't like motion controls because it takes away from the feel of the game. I prefer to have the controller in my hand than using motion. Not that I'm lazy...I just prefer using a regular controller.My cousin in DC said people who don't like to play the wii because of motion controls are lazy. do you agree?
No, not at all. Video games and exercise are separate things. Besides, to me, the whole point of video games is to sit down and forget about your troubles. It is just more relaxing to sit rather than to exercise. Also, most of the games I want are on the PS3 or Xbox 360. I'm more of a horror, violent, bloody, guns, and swords type of gamer. To me most of the games on the wii are about movement...not about killing things.
i wouldnt say lazy, i think people just prefer to hold a standard controller in their hands.

i absolutely love my wii, and at this moment in time its getting a lot more play time than my ps3 or 360 (360 is dead though so thats a given). the wii is a great console and full of some amazing exclusives.
Yes, of course. Your cousin is smart.
agree for sure!
yes i agree

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