we got out of there fast and they captured the gun men later but still all this makes me wonder about how effective the gun control isWhy does the gun control work in DC i almost got shot yesterday!?
Gun control is so frustrating... First of all, when people turn in their guns, it's only law abiding citizens who will follow the rules. Criminals, the very people who need the guns taken away, are the ones who end up with the guns. Criminals know that the average person will be unable to fight back if a gun is turned on them.
Gun control is only effective on the law abiding. And why in the world would we be afraid of a law abiding citizen?Why does the gun control work in DC i almost got shot yesterday!?
Gun ';control'; does not work in DC or anywhere else? You have an individual right to own and use a firearms to protect yourself. You have a moral obligation as parents to teach your children how to properly use fireams for their protections.
gun control isn't controlling anything.all this does is make law abiding citizens jump thru hoops to get a permit.while joe crack head buys one from harry heroine on the street corner.
Gun Control?????????????????????????????????鈥?ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????. With all the bleeding hearts masterbating to the 2nd ammendment and the NRA in almost every politicians pocket...theres no such thing as gun control...
oh dont get me wrong,you listen to every person who carries a penile extension (gun) and they will tell you that if guns are banned so should cigarettes and alcohol(although I've yet to see on the news a man carrying a bottle of Jack Daniels Killed 25 people in a school auditorium).
Then theres the ';If a man wants to kill you and doesnt have a gun he will use a knife or a baseball bat(Again...how many massacres have been carried out by a mad man with a baseball bat or a knife,sure he may kill 1-3 people before he gets tackled or the rest of the people run away(cant run away from a bullet though,can you)
Then theres my favorite, if EVERYONE had guns then those who try to kill others will themselves be killed.....interresting,kinda like the wild west,thing is how many people can handle or use a gun properly and how many more innocent people could be killed by wayward bullets being fired by a novice with a hand gun?
As long as you have people who enjoy a long barrel in their hands and need it to feel like a man, you will NEVER have gun control
DC gun control laws don't work because DC does not have borders, guns can be obtained easily enough from other states. But then it probably won't exist in a months time anyway, a case is going before the supreme court.
It's not. The truth is that a crook will always be able to get a gun. They just don't want the honest people to have them. Just look at the war on drugs. It isn't working, they can't stop that. So what makes anyone think they would be able to stop people from getting guns? It just stupid. We never used to have all of the shootings like we do today. I think it because of the TV, and all these pills people are taking for anything and everything.
The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear reasons on loosening the oppressive restrictions on DC gun ownership.
Gun control keeps guns out of the hands of the good guys. The bad guys will have guns no matter what.
One of our constitutional guarantees of a free society.
';A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.';
When the government wants to take that away, makes you wonder what they have planed next.
It's not going to work well as long as areas just outside DC are stil selling guns. We either need to ban guns nation wide or give up on having any kind of ban.
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